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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/02/2005
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –March 7, 2005

Present: M. Genest, M. Oldershaw, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop,  S. Chatfield, R. Edmunds, P. Pitsas, S. Garrett, D. Essex, J. White, J. Howard, J. Cook, B. Botelho, J. Forrestal, T. Roche, R. Flanders, P. Lamb, M. Beauchamp.

The selectmen opened the meeting at 6:30 P.M.

The selectmen met with residents of Bryers Lane to discuss their position on their petition Warrant Article #8. R. Edmunds explained the groups position and felt that since Bryers Lane is already an asphalt road that the Town should reclassify it to a Class V. road, however, the residents of Bryers Lane will remain liable for any repairs and maintenance except the snow plowing. B. Pratt explained the selectmen’s concern and the fact that they would put forward at Town Meeting an amendment to Warrant Article #8. He explained that the road would have to be brought up to current Class V. standards before it will be accepted by the Town. He pointed out that Bryers Lane is a Private Road and that it is estimated to cost about $30,000 to bring it up to Class V. R. Edmunds stated that this is not correct and that the Town can only require it to be brought up to the standard of the major intersecting road, which in this case would be Pleasant Street. R. Edmunds felt that because Bryers Lane is already an asphalted road very little up grading should be required. He further emphasized that all the residents want, is for the road to be plowed in the winter. B. Pratt explained the problems with the water and utility lines and gave a history as to the improper installation       of same by the contractor at the time. He further  explained the selectmen’s concern for the potential problems for the residents as well as the potential problems this can cause the Town. B. Pratt then read to the group the proposed amendment that the selectmen will put forward to the petitioned article. R. Edmunds stated that they understood the selectmen’s concern but they felt that the article should go forward as is written. The selectmen thanked the residents for coming in to share their concerns and views.

The selectmen then met with the TIF Committee headed by D. Essex, and Mr. Peter Pitsas of Underwood Engineers to review the results of the bid opening for the sidewalk improvements. They were informed that we had 3 formal bids opened. The successful bidder was John H. Lyman & Sons of Guilford, NH with a bid of $561,902.50. Underwood Engineers will now complete the process, obtain State approval of the bid, and will work up with the committee the final work and jobs specifications that will be given to J.H. Lyman and signed off by the Board of Selectmen. It is the feeling of the TIF Committee that there is no need to ask for additional funds, at this time to complete phase I. of our project. The TIF Committee and Underwood Engineers will move forward in preparing the final documents for the selectmen to review and sign.
                                                                                             The selectmen then reviewed various correspondences and signed the payroll and accounts payable for the week.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
